De Grote File Under Jaarlijst 2008

Sigur Rós - Með Suð Í Eyrum Við Spilum Endalaust1. Sigur RósMeð suð í eyrum við spilum endalaust
2. ElbowThe Seldom Seen Kid
3. The Gaslight AnthemThe 59′ Sound
4. MGMTOracular Spectacular
5. Bon IverFor Emma, Forever Ago
6. Fleet FoxesFleet Foxes
7. Vampire WeekendVampire Weekend
8. The Last Shadow PuppetsThe Age Of Understatement
9. TV on the RadioDear Science
10. The Mars VoltaThe Bedlam in Goliath
11. The Gutter TwinsSaturnalia
12. PortisheadThird
13. Kathleen EdwardsAsking For Flowers
14. Blood Red ShoesBox Of Secrets
15. Kings Of LeonOnly By The Night
16. AmasefferSlaves for Life
17. MotorpsychoLittle Lucid Moments
18. ShearwaterRook
19. Laura MarlingAlas I Cannot Swim
20. GoldfrappSeventh Tree

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